Thursday, August 23, 2012

How does my garden grow . . . stop thief!!

My goodness . .. drama at the garden.

Hubby and I were hanging out in our living room reading when we heard over the police scanner that someone was caught stealing produce from the community garden we we have our plot!  

One of the gardeners showed up to work on his plot when he was approached by a man . . . with child in tow . . . and was asked, "are there any peppers here?" and then they started taking stuff from someone's  garden.  A garden he knew wasn't theirs.  So, he called the police.

The gardener tried to explain the community garden was, but they didn't seem to care. Hello?  No trespassing signs posted everywhere . . . mean anything to you?  No, I guess not!

These people were from the next town over and didn't have a plot there.  The officer spoke with them and told them to stay away.  They got a $105 ticket for trespassing. 

One person with them said she didn't know it was private, she took bags of stuff last year.  I think the fact that they took off running after dropping the food was a good indicator that they knew that they were stealing.

The person who caught them donated the veggies to a local food kitchen because they had taken a lot and he didn't know who all it belonged to and he didn't want to take it.  I agree that was a good decision.

So, I was laid up since that day with a sprained ankle (and hubby with an eye infection) so I hadn't been able to get over there until today.  I can say with a fair amount of certainty that these people didn't go into my garden because the gate was closed up just like I left it.  However, there was only ONE ripe tomato which leaves me to believe that that probably swiped what they could reach from outside the fence.  I should have a whole bunch of ripe ones after 5 days!

But, I did get a big ol' bucket of green beans and some peppers . . . so all is not lost.  Amazing considering the damage the bugs are doing to my bean plants.

Oh, and I spotted an animal that was either a very large brown rat or a small kangaroo making its way up the path.  Ew!

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